1:1 Stress Relief Workshop
Are you looking to relieve your stress but don't know where to start?
A 1:1 90-minute virtual workshop designed to help you learn the science around chronic stress, pinpoint what’s causing your chronic stress, and create your personalized road map towards your lasting stress relief.
Who This Workshop Is For:
You’re experiencing physical and/or emotional stress symptoms, and want those symptoms to go away
You’re in physical or emotional pain, have ruled out any structural damage, and want to be pain-free
You’re waking up drained and uninspired, and want to wake up feeling energized for the day to come
You’re in survival mode, and want to be thriving instead
You’re lacking confidence in who you are or what you do, and want to live toward your true potential with more purpose
You’re coping with your stress in ways you know aren’t good for you in the long run, and want to change but don’t know how to cope any other way
You’re knowing something is “off” but can’t quite explain it, and want to feel “on” again
You’re feeling overworked and overwhelmed, and want to be living a life of freedom and peace instead
You’re running out of control in a hamster wheel of stress, and wish you knew what you could do to make it stop
You’re on an autopilot of “blah” and want to be on an autopilot of natural excitement and happiness
Eventually, we just accept this way of life. I’ve been there. And it DOES NOT have to be this way!